
So here's the Reader's Digest version for those of you who are new to my blog.... My 39 year old husband, David, was diagnosed with a hideous and deadly cancer in
April of '08. We were told he'd likely die in less than 4 months. Obviously, that diagnosis turned us inside out and shook us to the core. At the time, our boys were 12 and 4... can you say 'fucking nightmare'??? I spent the next 14 months being his 24/7 caregiver and advocate... never leaving his side unless it was to get the boys to or from therapy or their cancer support groups. Cancer and the hell that it brings became our universe. And yet, I was able to get myself to a place where I was depending on my faith.... existing on a plane of pure gratitude. I focused my energies on recognizing the blessings that cancer had brought to our lives... yes, there ARE blessings that come with such a dire diagnosis.
Things were good. David miraculously entered remission in April of '09. I was looking forward to the next few months being our 'summer of healing' as a family. And then my world stopped. He left me... left US... on 6 June 2009. And FYI... he told me he was ending our 18 year marriage in a note. As if that wasn't bad enough, he had left me for a 'friend' who also happened to be married. Nice. The next few months are a blur... I descended into a deep, dark depression, and David's vicious treatment of me didn't help. He was running as fast as he could from everything associated with cancer, and that included me... our family, our home and the entire life we had built together. Things went from bad to worse when his cancer returned with a vengeance. He began treatment once again, and I had to dig deep to help him and make things as easy on him as possible. I even offered to have him move home so I could care for him through his treatment. As it turns out, it was a good thing he didn't take me up on that. The hateful way that he treated me during that time would have made caregiving for him an unbearable situation. I KNEW he was dying... nobody else did, because he fed them all kinds of bullshit... but I knew. Because of that, I focused on the boys and made sure they were with their daddy as much as possible.
His final months were a living nightmare... a kind of pain and darkness for which there are no words. No human being, no matter who they are or how they lived their lives, should have to suffer the horrific pain and endless indignities that David did. In spite of everything, I was with him constantly, much to the chagrin of his girlfriend and his mother. 'Too fuckin bad' was my theory. I wanted my boys to see that I NEVER turned my back on their dad. And I didn't. I continued to advocate for him in the hospital... fighting to get him the meds and the specialists he needed. I was there during his final moments of consciousness. I took Reilly to say goodbye to his dad, just before he slipped into that state. I was there when he died. I ID'd his body at the funeral home. I planned his funeral and his Celebration of Life. I placed his ashes in the wall of the Columbarium at the Naval Academy. We had spent half of our lives together, and though I was no longer in love with him, I did those things out of respect for the life that we shared and the family that we created.
The 6 months since he died have brought more changes. I struggle daily to untangle the financial disaster he left me, and I'm fighting like hell to keep our home. The boys are now 15 and 7 and trying to learn how to move forward in their lives without their daddy. I had to get a part-time job after spending 15 years as a full-time mother, and I'm doing everything I can to trim the fat so we can afford to stay where we are. My boys NEED the stability and comfort that come with remaining in our home and community, and staying in their schools. To that end, I will fight with every fiber of my soul to ensure that those things happen.
My greatest blessing is that I now have an incredible man in my life... a man who is thoughtful and loving, strong and sensitive, hilariously funny, and who loves me just the way I am. He is authentic. He knows who he is and is completely comfortable in his own skin. It certainly doesn't hurt that he's 11 years younger than I am and sexy as hell. :0)
Yes, my boys are struggling in many ways... the therapy and support groups continue... and I still have MUCHO 'death business' to handle. That said, I am starting to believe that there might be a happy future ahead... for all of us.
The past almost 3 years have been quite an emotional roller coaster, to say the least. Writing has been the most important part of my day, every day, since this journey began. I am once again being put in a position where I have to learn to survive... spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially... you get the picture. My hope is that I can hold on to my faith, find a moment of joy in every day, be the best mother I can possibly be, and hopefully... one day... emerge back into the light.
December 2010

19 February 2011

We're ROCKIN' this bitch!!!

Hey noodleheads!!!! It's been a mere 24 hours, but Team DAStreightBoyz has just hit $1000.00 in donations!!! Yeeeehawwwww!!!!! Thanks to ALL of you FAB peeps who have gotten us this far:

Dad & Miss Mary
Shannon N
Michelle B
Miss Helen
Jim S
Miss Bonnie
Miss Robin
Miss Theresa
One anonymous donor. :0)

And just so you know, we have blasted straight up to the number 2 spot in fundraising for the CZC Grief Relief Team!!! (You can even see us on the CZC homepage! Go to www.czcgriefreliefteam.blogspot.com and click on the "join the Team" link... you'll see us on the right side of the page.) Reilly is SO excited.... he can barely contain himself. :0) He's going to talk to the principal on Tuesday... aka Papa G... to see about setting up a donation table at school during lunch. Every dollar helps!!! I'm thinking we might even raise our fundraising goal a bit. If we take it up to $2000, then we'd be sending 4 kids to camp. Since I got to send my 2, I think it would be cool to pay that back & then send two more. 

This may sound a little crass, but I'm going to ask anyway. It's going to cost us money to participate in this event... 2 nights in a hotel, travel expenses, food, event registration fees, etc. I also have the kennel issue, but I'm to go up and tell them what we're doing and BEG for a freebie. Cross your fingers!!! Anyhoo, if you have any interest in helping us offset the costs associated with doing the 10k, I have NO problem accepting your moola. Nope... I have no shame! ;-) 

Gotta scoot for now... Gee is headed this way... time to get her room ship shape. Happy Saturday. :0)


***PLEASE forward our fundraising info to anyone and everyone you think might want to donate. Thank you!!!

18 February 2011


In less than 12 hours, Team DAStreightBoyz has raised $724.00 for Comfort Zone Camp!!! Yahoooodle!!! I couldn't be more excited. Sure feels good to pay it forward. :0) Thanks for your continued support... and keep it comin!



Holy fuckin shitballs!!! Our Grief Relief Team fundraising page has only been up a few hours and we've already received $574 in donations!!! Yeeeeehawwwww!!! I'm STOKED! Gotta fly... heading over to watch Woodgrove play in the district finals. Thanks for all the luuuuuve!!!



Some of you have already received an e-mail from me, but for the rest of you, we need your help!!! The boys and I have joined Comfort Zone Camp's Grief Relief Team, and will be participating in a 10k on April 2nd in Richmond. Every cent raised will go DIRECTLY to a camper so they can experience a spectacular weekend of healing with CZC. Click below to visit our homepage. 

Visit our Grief Relief Team homepage!!!

I'm still working out the kinks, but you should be able to donate right now. Every single cent will be GREATLY appreciated!!!

Later taters...

17 February 2011


Crazy beautiful weather today... we always get a few days in January or February that are unseasonably warm. I've had the windows open in the house all day.... I have SO missed having the fresh air in the house. It's supposed to be in the 70's again tomorrow, and then dip back down to our regular winter chill. The kids have had a BLAST playing outside the last couple of afternoons. :0) They'd better enjoy it tomorrow too, since it'll be the last warm one for a while. 

Rory had his grief group tonight. It was another good one, but I think they explored some pretty serious emotions. He came out fairly drained and wanted to talk a lot about daddy. Well, he always wants to talk about daddy, but this was different. I love that he's able to share his feelings so freely with me. I hate that he has to experience ANY of that shit, but you know what I mean. 

Miss Bobbin... funny that you mentioned your cards. I've been privileged to receive hundreds and hundreds of cards over the past couple years. I have saved every single one. They are all in a HUGE basket on a table in my entry way. All except for two, that is... you made me the two COOLEST cards that I have ever seen. They have a place of honor on a very special cork board in my room. It has a bright pink frame around it... duh... and is really cute. The only things on the board are your 2 cards, and a picture of a pink VW Beetle that Theresa sent me. I look at it multiple times every day, and it always makes me smile. :0) 

I was quite a scrapbooker, once upon a time... before building this house. Then the build became my full-time job, and that was the end of that. I never had a chance to get into card making. I went to a couple of Stamp It Up parties when the card craze was in it's infancy about 10 years ago, but never went any further with it. I don't see myself as particularly creative... if I see something in a book or magazine, it might give me an idea and then I'll run with it. But on my own? I can't seem to come up with shit. Even with the jewelry. I can already tell I'm going to need to surf the web for pattern ideas. I do have a spectacular way with putting colors together... if I do say so myself... but that's where my creativity ends. 

My poor Finn got the ol' fuckeroo from Jayden's sitter this afternoon. It's very interesting.... she often seems to fall 'ill' on Thursdays, and is then unable to watch Jayden on Friday. Nice. She could have at least given him the courtesy of telling him before 4:30 pm. Moron. He spent eons on the phone trying to find a family member to help him out, and finally got a hold of his grandma. She's more than happy to help, but she lives in fucking Gaithersburg... almost an hour away. So he'll be making quite the trek tomorrow at o' dark thirty. Eew. I'm hoping that she'll at least keep him overnight though... we'd love to go to the big Woodgrove game tomorrow night.... Rory's chomping at the bit... but no way Jayden could make that. When youre 2 1/2 and your day starts at 4:30 a.m., 7:30 p.m. activities are NOT advised. 

We're all counting the minutes until my mamasan arrives on Saturday evening. The first graders are already planning basement sleepovers for Saturday and Sunday nights. :0) Movies, popcorn, hot cocoa and Gee.... what could be better than that? 

Time for me to hit it. I'm not even going to TELL you my latest Mom O' The Year story... it's FAR too humiliating. Sometimes I'm really an idiot. Have a good one. 


A little better...

No, nothing has changed... still fairly pissed at the universe. However, I went to school a while ago to watch Leighanna present her poem. She did a great job and was SO happy that I was there. As soon as she finished, she ran over to me and gave me a huge kiss and hug. HA! Fuck YOU universe... I'm clearly doing SOMETHING right. She knew that poem because of the time I'd spent working with her, and she came running to me because I'm mothering her. Yeah... suck on that. Feeling pretty good about it. :0)

As soon as I got home, I set about shoveling shit. Yes, actual shit this time. I still cannot believe that with 11 acres, I have to kepp 2 of my dogs tethered to the front porch. Obviously, they can't get very far, so they dump right in the front yard. It's lovely. By the time I was finished, I was positively seething with rage at the insensitive asshole neighbors that have made this situation what it is. I decided the only way to combat my feelings, was to do something completely selfish. So I did. Remember me telling you that I knew making Finn that necklace would get me on a jewelry making kick? Guess what... it happened. I just spent the last hour making my first bracelet... also for Finn... and my very first pair of earrings. Gonna keep those for myself. All of the findings are sterling silver and I think they're really darling. I've definitely missed having a creative outlet... it certainly put me in a better head space. The pics don't really do them justice, but here they are anyway.
 Kinda fuzzy... I used amethyst beads.
Finn's is made of small round sections of natural shells.

At least I provided myself some momentary relief. 


***And just one more tidbit proving to the universe that I am a SHANTASTIC human being... I got stuck behind a guy at a toll booth last night. There was clearly a problem, so I got out to help. Turns out, he's from out of town & doesn't have a credit card. That's the ONLY way to pay... no humans in the booth... no cash... so I paid his toll. He offered me the cash, but I just said no thanks... have a nice evening. :0)

WARNING: Losers in mirror are closer than they appear...

Awesome. I have now officially achieved 'loser' status. My fucking cell phone was shut off this morning because of non-payment. How in the hell am I supposed to keep my home if I can't even pay my phone bill???? Yes, I just went online and made a payment, but I feel like a big, fat failure... at everything. Having things shut of = not good for Shan's self-esteem. It would certainly help if I could get a job... any job... and at least bring in something. So yes... I will be having a wee pity party for myself today and I don't want to hear a fuckin' thing about it. 

I'm sticking close to home today, as Leilei has her poetry presentation later this morning. Finn is so sad that he can't be there, but I promised to record it for him. Other than that, I have a huge stack of scary mail that needs attention. I'd rather be basted in honey and covered by a mountain of fire ants than deal with that shit. I also just got a notice from Nave Federal that there is a registered letter at the post office, for DAVID. These people couldn't be any MORE stupid. They were the first ones to be notified of his death. They've had the documentation since the 2nd of JULY. Usually, things for him arrive attention to me as 'estate administrator'. But these fucknuts have sent 3 of these damn things, addressed specifically to him. I have yet to go retrieve one. Woe be the postal worker who sees the name and asks for my ID.... they'll be getting a "I don't think he'll make it in, since he's DEAD." It won't be pretty. And you know how I feel about that???? FUCK 'EM IN THE NECK!!!!!

Also on my agenda is the glorious task of digging through all of David's shit to find any and all relevant tax documents. Getting a red hot fire poker up the ass sounds like a more pleasureable way to spend my morning. 

And before you lecture me about having 'funkitis', go piss up a rope. I'm not in a funk. I'm PISSED!!!!!!!

Off to go hang myself in the barn. I wonder if anyone would notice. Nobody from this neck of the woods, I can guarantee you that. 

Right this minute.... I fucking HATE my life.
As per your request, To.

***I just added a few new pics under the 'Check Out This Shiz' section.

16 February 2011

Very cool....

Okay, it's 10:35 & we just walked in the door. Definitely too tired to figure out the video thing, but wanted to share something cool. It took about an hour and a half to get the 3 boys home... one in Hillboro, one in Purcellville, & one in Rosemint farm... but the great part is that I had a chance to get to know them a bit. What an awesome group of guys... truly. I told Reilly that if those were the kind of guys he was hanging out with, then I was very proud of his choices. It's SO hard once they're in high school... there are all of these different kids that we haven't known since 1st grade, like all of his old friends. It's scary actually, because you don't know a damn thing about them or their families. It did this mama's heart good to see with my own eyes the new friends that Reilly has made. And yeah... they DIG me. :0) Good stuff.


A better day...

Yes... I had a much better day today. I'm guessing that has a lot to do with the fact that I completely ignored all death business. I can't make it go away, but sometimes I have to pretend it's not there to keep myself from eating a bullet. 

A spent a little time in Rory's class today... they did their poetry presentations. It was his first time speaking in front of the class, and he did a GREAT job. :0) He was pretty fidgety, but he remembered the whole poem and he was SO proud of himself. I recorded it on my phone. The sound is really low, but just seeing his expression at the end is priceless. I'm hoping I'll be able to upload it for you to see. Here goes...

Okay... didn't have time to figure that out. Grrrrrrr! I have to go pick up Rei & some friends. Woodgrove made it to the District Semi-Finals in basketball. He just called, and they WON!!! Wooohoooooo!!!! BRAND NEW SCHOOL, beetches!!! The Wolverines are kickin' ass and takin' names! It sounds like they did a good bit of cheering on their team, as the kid has zero voice left. :0) The District Final will be on Friday night.... it's sure to be a raucous event. 

If my eyeballs haven't fallen out of my head by the time I take all of these kids home, I'll give the video upload another try. One bad thing about country livin... nobody lives in a neighborhood. Each of these guys live about 15 minutes away from the other. 

Gotta fly...

15 February 2011


What the FUCK???? Okay universe.... I've SERIOUSLY had enough. I continue to work incredibly hard, every day to be a genuinely good human being. I volunteer in my children's schools.... I volunteer in the community... I do informal outreach for Life With Cancer... I donate blood on a regular basis... I'm working my ASS off to mother my children AND Finn's children, since their own mother doesn't give a fat fuck about them... I stop and save turtles crossing the road... I attend funerals of people I've never met, just to show support to their loved ones... I offer my assistance to strangers who need a hand... I am kind to all animals... I love my family... I'm a very good friend... I try to focus on the positive, even when I don't feel like doing it AT ALL... WHAT AM I DOING WRONG???? 

I've got bill collectors so far up my ass that I'm sure they could perform a tonsillectomy on me... I can't get arrested, let alone get a job... and I continue to get fucked by the pharmaceutical and insurance companies, straight up the ass without benefit of lube. I just picked up 3 of my scrips for the month... one for asthma, one for my tummy, and one for my crazy. The grand total? 350 bucks. NO problem... let me pluck that right outta my ass for ya. Why in the HELL am I paying for this pathetic excuse for insurance??? Oh yeah.... cuz if I don't and my 'coverage' lapses for 90 days, I'll never be insurable again. Sweet. 

Yes, I DO have a few things going for me.... my incredible family that is flung far and wide... my wonderful friends... who are mostly far away too... my beautiful new family here at home, and especially my amazing Finn. That said, I've really had enough of this other shit. And I'm SO tired of being Miss Whiny McPoutypants... but I can't get away from this shit. It's like a fucking tick, or a leech that I just can't get  rid of. I want to move on.... next phase, please... preferably one without such horrific emotional pain, trauma to my children or death. It's awfully hard to do that while my tummy is staging a full-fledged coup. Yeah... felt totally like myself tummy-wise yesterday... and now it's all kerfuffled again. FUCK!!!!!
That pretty much sums it up.


***I DO want to send extra special love & hugs to my amazing and wonderful Autie and Godmother... Miss Elaine.  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for the special delivery you sent. I appreciate it more that you'll ever know. I love you. :0)

Another day...

Hey cheesies.... slept like shiz. SO fuckin tired. Grrrr. NOT helpful???? Rory having a complete psycho-zoid episode this morning. What a lovely way to start the day. I'll tell you one thing... this grief business is a motherfucker. The skating party last night was held at the same place we had David's 40th birthday party. Rory talked about daddy and that party incessantly last night. I can't believe how vivid his memories are... he wasn't quite 5 at the time. Amazing. 
My little skater dude. 

My sweet Finn surprised me last night. As I was getting ready for bed, I kept coming across little cards he had made for me. He'd stuffed them in different drawers he knew I'd be opening. I even found another one this morning. Sooooo sweet. :0) I didn't realize it, but he had planned to take yesterday off. Evidently, he had a whole plan for us for the day. Well shit! I had NO idea, and he didn't realize until Sunday night that I'd be working at the blood drive. We're hoping we can sneak away for a day when my mom is here. 

Gross bank shit to deal with this morning... I'd rather eat a pile of dog puke. Ugh. Gots to go for now. Happy Tuesday to ya.

Mommy's lil Valentine. 


***Spend time on activities that make you a better person.***
***Be creative is the face of problems.***
***Possess true grit and amazing grace.***
-Instant Karma

***Skating party pics have been posted on Shutterfly... enjoy!***

14 February 2011


Susie Sunshine, comin' atcha!!! Yep. The funk is back. What the FUCK??? Had a good day... the blood drive at Woodgrove was a smashing success... totally surpassed their projections. Yippeeee! I spent a long time talking to this woman who runs INOVA Blood Donor Services. I'd actually met her before... at the hospital. She's in charge of rounding up donors for the entire Capital region. We really connected, and I think she's actually someone that is going to become a dear friend. Of course, we also got into my story a bit and I told her that I'd been applying like crazy at Blood Donor Services. Bad news... she gave me a little tip: they may advertise having part-time positions, but they only ever hire full-timers, and then let them go to part-time after a while. Fuckers! That especially sucks because they'll pay 100% of your tuition to nursing school, even if you're part-time. Do you see the problem though? You can't actually get HIRED part-time!!! UUUGGGHHH! Anyway... being there today just reminded me, once again, that I DO in fact want to be a nurse. One of the other moms who was volunteering is an RN at Loudoun. She's been working labor and delivery for years, and just moved to oncology last month. Yeah... we had quite a bit to talk about. 

After my shift was over, I had time to run a few quick errands before getting the goofballs off the bus. I don't know what happened, but the funk descended the minute I walked in the house. The Waterford Elementary Valentine skating party tonight didn't help my mood. Persona non-grata, as usual. God... people are such insensitive assholes. Rory had an absolute blast. I was SO proud of him for getting up on the skates and giving it a try. I held his hand around the rink a couple of times, and then he was off. He fell on his cute butt more times than I can count, but he had such fun... it was great to see that. Jayden enjoyed it too. Finn & I walked him around and it was HILARIOUS, but he loved it. Leilei, on the other hand, threw a full-fledged whiny bitch fit. Holy fuck... it was ridiculous. Seriously.... SO over the top. Ugh. 

The skating party went until 8, which means we got home at 8:30... way past everyone's bed times. I hope they've all passed out already and won't be a bunch of turds tomorrow. 

I did end up making Finn a necklace. He was genuinely shocked that I actually made it, and was quite impressed that it was my first attempt at jewelry making. He loves it. :0) I can already tell that making jewelry would become quite a passion for me.... but that's really only something you do if you have extra money to spend. I don't really fit into that category. Oh well. 

Going to bed early. Hoping I can sleep off the funk. 

Happy Valentine's Day. 


***Got some cute pics at the rink tonight... I'll try to get them up tomorrow. 

13 February 2011


For the second time in a matter of days, I have been 'surprised' by a visit from the man/child in the family. It seems that he & Reilly make plans, and then just happen to clue me in when he's about to show up. I REALLY fucking hate that. Today though, it actually worked out in my favor. Reilly was DESPERATE to go back to Austen's today, and told me that C would be here around 5ish. They'd work on the continuing computer problem and then he was planning to take the boys out for dinner. Let me back up... Rory had a birthday party to attend in Leesburg this morning, so we were out and about early. As soon as we got back from that, I had to take Rei the 97 miles to Austen's. Okay.... so it's not really 97 miles... it just feels like it. This is a long and complicated story, so let me just tell you that Reilly was telling C one thing, and me another. He even went so far as to cancel their plans, and told me it was C who couldn't make it. I was PISSED. He had already told Rory the plan yesterday, and the munchkin was really excited. This was all becoming very reminiscent of Steve's behavior... he's Reilly's Godfather, and is now OUT of the picture. Next thing I know, the phone rings. It's C, and we pieced together Reilly's lil web o' lies that he told so he could stay at Austen's. Will this kid NEVER learn???? Does he really think I'm just gonna let him skate? Uh, no. Since C was already on his way, we decided to have him just show up at Austen's to grab the teen aged tool.  It was fab.... he TOTALLY didn't see that coming. Bwahahahahaaaaa!!!!

When they got here, he was very smart and avoided me like the plague. I only saw him a few minutes ago, as they were getting ready to leave for dinner. Interesting.... the kid had a few little speckles of glitter on his face. Hmmmm..... howEVER did THAT happen??? I called him on it & he immediately turned 14 shades of purple. :0) Then I said to him, "are you getting the memo that deceiving your mother is NEVER going to work out well for you???" Yeah... we'll be having a more in-depth conversation this evening. 

Oddly, I'm alone in the house. Weird. Finn is in Maryland picking up the kids, so here I am. We had a great date night last night, thanks to some fab gift cards provided by my mamasan. Dinner and a movie... dayum, that boy makes me laugh til I cry!!! We saw the movie "Company Men". It was very good, but hit just a bit too close to home for me. The circumstances were totally different, but the fallout was the same. This huge company downsized and let go all of these people who'd been living well for years, and assumed their futures were secure. Then, one at a time, they have to sell a car... cancel the gym membership... lose the house... fight with creditors over the phone... ugh. It gave me a tummy ache. 

After all of the schlepping this morning, I've continued my never-ending quest to clean this house and catch up on laundry. It hasn't helped that my tummy's been kinda wonky all day. Seriously.... I think it was the movie. I was exhausted last night, but laid awake until after 3. My head and my gut ALWAYS let me know when there's something to worry about. Eew. I've gotta tell ya... I'm pretty fuckin tired of ALWAYS having ENORMOUS things to worry about. 

Ooh... shot gun blast. Some prick hunter just murdered Bambi. Nice. That's country livin. 

Later gators...

***I've decided to put my ridiculous investment in scrubs to good use... I'll be wearing super cute pink ones for the Valentine's Day blood drive tomorrow. I'll be volunteering there all day... I may as well look official. ;-)