Hey there nimbobs... before I go any further... Miss Bonnie, what a PIG that guy is!!! First of all, it makes me CRAZY when people are that stupid and intolerant, but then to discover that 'Mr. Jesus' was a rapist before he 'found God'???? SO disgusting. Please let me know if that asshat ever shows his face. I'll be on the next plane out to give him a severe ass beating!!! Having said that... LOVE YOU!!!! :0)
So yesterday was Finn's birthday surprise day. :0) Unfortunately, we had to start out with an unplanned dash to the Apple Store because of my shattered phone. Let me say again that I LOVE APPLE!!!! I had another new phone... free of charge... in about 10 minutes. As far as customer service goes, they are right up there with Disney. Two of the VERY few companies that still believe in taking care of their customers. Yahoooooo!
Then it was off to our first birthday surprise.... a massage at Massage Envy. Finn had NEVER had one before, and I thought it was time! Since I still had some pre-paids on their books, I got one too... happy Finn's birthday to ME! He loved it... duh... how could he not? After that, we walked across the street to Wegmans. My plan was to have him pick out whatever yumminess he wanted for lunch, and then take it and have a picnic. The weather was sunny and pretty, but a bit colder than I had hoped for, so we ate lunch right there. No biggie... we still had fun. (Even though I saw yet another Waterford mom that I've known for almost 9 years... came face to face with her TWICE & she pretended I was invisible. Idiot.) I had ordered a cake for my sweetie, so we grabbed it on the way out. It was SO pretty, but the first thing he said to me was, "didn't you go to pastry school?" Ha ha... very funny... yes I did! But the Wegmans cake filled with fresh strawberries is SOOOOO good.... I just had to get one. And I really detest bakery cakes, but from Wegmans???? Yummylicious!
It's a good thing I took this picture before we left Wegmans... had to jam on the brakes at some point & the cake got mangled! :(
After lunch, we hopped in the car and headed to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. It's only about 15 minutes from our house. It's such a beautiful little historic town, and that's where I had planned to have our picnic. We decided to have a cake picnic! We've had tons of rain lately, so the rivers are all really high. We put our blanket down right on the banks of the Shenandoah, and just enjoyed the water, the geese and snuggling in the chilly sunshine. And of course, I brought candles and sang to my sweet pea. That cake may have been mangled, but it still ROCKED!
Self-pic of the snugglin' sweeties. :0)
The mangled, yet still deeeelish cake.
Once the sun started to dip, it got cold pretty quickly. We meandered through town on our way back to the car. It really is a beautiful place. I've been there many times, but not in quite a while. I need to take Rory there. Not only do the coal trains come right through town, but there's a really cool bridge you can walk on, and when you're in the middle of it, you are actually in Maryland, Virginia & West Virginia, all at the same time. :0)
We headed home for a while to do the doggie shuffle & warm up a bit, then decided we HAD to have our favorite hot crab dip at Clyde's. So we headed back down to Ashburn and devoured our tasty treat while listening to live music and geting in some good people watching. :0) Super bonus? We ran into my sweet friends Jan & Heather. I haven't seen them in AGES, though Heather & I have always kept in touch. They have a brand new baby, Isabella, and I even got to lay my eyes on that precious princess. I told Heather that I am, in fact, a fabulous baby whisperer, and would be happy to come and snuggle the little monkey anytime. She has 4 kids... I said I'd even come over just so she could have a nap!!! She said I can come by anytime & I definitely plan to take her up on that!
All in all, it was a fabulous day. The very best part was just being on our own, since that happens so rarely.
I'm not sure... can you tell that I luvvvvves him? Oh yeah... he luvvvves me too! :0)
Our Finntastic fun day is definitely over... he's already on the road heading up to get the kids. My monkeys are still with Chris, but should be home any minute. I can't wait to hear all about the dinner cruise. I hope Paige's mom took pictures! I know the kid was lookin' dang sharp... black suit, black shirt & a black tie with hot pink & light pink stripes.... nice! I'm also happy to report that I got NO calls from Chris last night, which tells me that Rory did great. Yahooo!
Gots to go for now... Costco bound. More great pics to come on Shutterfly soooooon.